Employee Directory
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Joshua Abel | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | jeabel@022aode.com | ||
Allison Acerra | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112-O | 413-755-4825 | amacerra2301@022aode.com |
Gustavo Acosta | Academic Counselor | Academic Advising and Transfer Center | 19/232 | 413-755-4330 | gaacosta@022aode.com |
Cynthia Agruso | Instructor | Workforce Development/ABE/SALC | 27/250 | cwagruso@022aode.com | |
Monica Aldrich | Clinical instructor | SHPS/Nursing | mealdrich2501@022aode.com | ||
Emily Alibozek | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Surgical Technology | 20/237 | 413-755-4510 | emalibozek0001@022aode.com |
Chariliz Alicea | Clerk, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4826 | calicea2201@022aode.com |
Jason Alves | Assistant Professor | Computer Technologies | 17/203 | 413-755-5418 | jjalves@022aode.com |
Gilberto Amador | Bilingual instructor | Workforce Development | 413-755-4300 | gamador@022aode.com | |
Majdi Ammari |
Adjunct Faculty | Digital Media Production | 17/302 |
maammari2401@022aode.com |
Nathan Andary | Director of Career Services | Student Affairs and Career Services | 19/141 |
413-755-5419 |
nandary2401@022aode.com |
Cody Andrews | Facilitator | Gateway to College | 08/100 | ceandrews@022aode.com | |
Helen Angeles Baez | Administrative Assistant | Center for Access Services | 07/100 | 413-755-5761 | hiangelesbaez0001@022aode.com |
Alexis Arcaro | Reference Librarian, Part-time | Library | 19/221 | 413-755-4531 | aacaro2401@022aode.com |
Angel Arenas Nieves | CNA Instructor | Workforce Development | alarenasnieves2401@022aode.com | ||
Nathan Arnold | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | njarnold@022aode.com |
Thomas Ashe Jr. | Grounds | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | tashe2101@022aode.com |
Susan Askin | Academic Advisor, Part-time | Academic Advising and Transfer Center | 19/243 | 413-755-4783 | sdaskin@022aode.com |
Frederick Asta-Ferrero | Gate Attendant | Campus Police | 09/105 | fdasta-errrero@022aode.com | |
Jose Astacio | Maintainer III | Facilities | 20/109 | 413-755-4820 | jmastacio0001@022aode.com |
Christina Atwater | Professor | Business Administration | 13/345 | 413-755-4062 | cratwater@022aode.com |
Elizabeth Atwood | HSE Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | eaatwood2201@022aode.com |
Dorothy Austin | Technical Assistant II | Library | 19/221D | 413-755-4536 | djaustin@022aode.com |
Debra Avery | Senior Director of Facilities | Facilities | 16/116 | 413-755-4607 | ddavery@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Glendy Baez | Education and Career Advisor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | ||
Jennifer Bagge | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | jrbagge@022aode.com | ||
Erica Bailey | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Medical Lab Technician | 20/348 | 413-755-4510 | elbailey2301@022aode.com |
Jeffery Bailey | Coordinator of Patient Simulation | SHPS/SIMS Medical Center | 20/315 | 413-755-4957 | jbbailey@022aode.com |
Mary Bailey | Clinical Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112-F | 413-755-4931 | mhbailey@022aode.com |
Betty Bak | Clerk IV | Workforce Development/ABE/ESOL |
27/250 |
413-755-4519 | ebak@022aode.com |
Maryellen Baker | Director of Health Compliance | SHPS | 19/180 | 413-755-4723 | mtbaker2001@022aode.com |
Michael Baran | Technical Specialist II | SHPS | 20/302H | 413-755-4881 | mdbaran@022aode.com |
Brian Barnes | Adjunct Faculty | Sociology | bbarnes2401@022aode.com | ||
Elena Barnett | Admin Assistant, Part-time | Student Affairs | 19/261 | 413-755-4209 | elbarnett2301@022aode.com |
Susan Barocas | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | 17/302 | 413-755-44595 | sbarocas@022aode.com |
Dominic Barroso | Campus Police Officer I | Campus Police | 09/102 | 413-755-4220 | daborroso2401@022aode.com |
Chavez Basaldua | Clerk, Part-time | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/238 | 413-755-4900 | alchavezbasaldua0001@022aode.com |
James Beane | Adjunct Faculty | Workforce Development | |||
Andrew Bechthold | Police Officer | Campus Police | 9/100 | abechthold@022aode.com | |
Donna Bedinelli | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | 17/302 | 413-755-4595 | dbedinelli@022aode.com |
Nicole Bedinelli | Associate Professor/Co-Chair | Mathematics | 17/325 | 413-755-4165 | nmbedinelli@022aode.com |
Rhoda Belemjian | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | rbelemjian@022aode.com | ||
April Bellafiore |
Instructor | Workforce Development | abellafiore2401@022aode.com | ||
Shane Bellefeuille | Fitness Center Staff, Part-time | Athletics | 02/101 | 413-755-4966 | sbellefeuille0001@022aode.com |
Linda Belton | Adjunct Faculty | Liberal Arts and Professional Studies | ljbelton@022aode.com | ||
Lisa Bennett | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/256 | lmbennett@022aode.com | |
Beverly Benson | Adjunct Faculty | School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | 17/304 | babenson2401@022aode.com | |
Barbara Berger | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | 13/108 | 413-755-4251 | bmberger@022aode.com |
Eric Bermudez | Simulation Informatics Coordinator, Part-time | SHPS/SIMS Medical Center | 20/248 | 413-755-4959 | ejbermudez2501@022aode.com |
Paula Bernal | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | pabernal@022aode.com | ||
Amanda Berthiaume | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Dental Sciences | 20/203R | 413-755-4934 | aeberthiaume@022aode.com |
Meredith Bertrand | Early Childhood Education Liaison - Academic Counselor | Early Childhood Education | 13/308 | 413-755-4126 | mrbertrand2301@022aode.com |
Edward Bigos | Department Co-Chair/Faculty | Computer Technologies | 17/637 | 413-755-4544 | bigos@022aode.com |
Heather Bishop | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 17/521 | hbishop2501@022aode.com | |
Nicholas Bishop | Electronics Technician II | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 17/613 | 413-755-4577 | nrbishop@022aode.com |
Jennifer Black | HiSet Instructor | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | jblack2201@022aode.com |
Pesha Black | Coordinator | Workforce Development/ESOL | 27/260 | 413-755-3765 | pblack@022aode.com |
Hannah Blasco | Academic and Transfer Counselor, Lead | LEAD | 19/268C | 413-755-4511 | |
Paul Bloomfield | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | pbloomfield@022aode.com | ||
Alexandra Boden | Clinical Instructor Nursing, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4935 | aeboden2401@022aode.com |
Meaghan Bone | HSI STEM Grant Activity Coordinator | STEM Center | 17/425 | 413-755-4682 | mmbone2401@022aode.com |
Kimberly Bonin | Lab Assistant - Phlebotomy | Workforce Development | 20/348 | kbonin2001@022aode.com | |
Deborah Borelli | Buyer III | Administrative Services | 16/203 | 413-755-4450 | dborelli@022aode.com |
Ricardo Borgos | Assistant Professor of Nursing/Coordinator of Accelerated Nursing Program | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112D | rborgos2501@022aode.com | |
Sara Boucher | Informatics | SHPS | 20/315 | 413-755-4952 | slboucher@022aode.com |
Dallana Bournigal | Academic Counselor | Gateway to College | 8/205 | 413-755-4416 | dbournigal2301@022aode.com |
Joseph Bousquet | Clerk IV | Student Financial Services | 19/286 | 413-755-4214 | jabousquet0001@022aode.com |
Caroline Boyd | Facilitator for HRU Program | Gateway to College | 08/100 | 413-883-7703 | cjboyd@022aode.com |
Sabriyah Brandford | Clerk, Part-time | Health Services | 19/177 | 413-755-4230 | sjbrandford@022aode.com |
Larry Brandoli | Adjunct Faculty | Fire Science Technology | 17/511 | 413-755-4512 | lpbrandoli@022aode.com |
Cynthia Breunig | Early Childhood Education Liaison - Academic Counselor | Early Childhood Education | 13/310 | 413-755-4504 | cbreunig@022aode.com |
Lauren Brewer | Co-Chair/Professor | Mathematics | 17/301 | 413-755-4791 | brewer@022aode.com |
Natalie Brewer | Lab Tech II | Biological Sciences | 2/522 | 413-755-4659 | nebrewer@022aode.com |
Jesse Briggs | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/EMT | 20/88 | jmbriggs@022aode.com | |
Holly Brinkmann | Associate Professor | Biological Sciences | 02/529 | 413-755-5209 | hbrinkmann@022aode.com |
Travis Brooks | Senior Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 16/351 | ||
Cassandra Brown | Communications Dispatcher II | Campus Police | 09/108 | 413-755-5457 | crbrown@022aode.com |
Thomas Brown | Gate Attendant | Campus Police | 09/105 | tbrown@022aode.com | |
Emily Brown | Clinical Faculty | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | ebrown2201@022aode.com | |
Sharai Brown | Clinical Instructor, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | sabrown2201@022aode.com | ||
Alyson Bruneault | Clinical Instructor Nursing, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | aabruneault2401@022aode.com | |
Aisling Buckley | Academic Counselor | TRIO Student Support Services | 19/266A | 413-755-5342 | apbuckley2301@022aode.com |
Peter Buonome | Adjunct Faculty | Fire Science Technology | 17/511 | 413-755-4512 | prbuonome@022aode.com |
Karolyn Burgos Toribio | Community Outreach Counselor | LEAD | 19/268A | 413-755-4464 | kmburgostoribio0001@022aode.com |
Marta Burgos-Vega | Clerk V | STEM Center | 17/425 | 413-755-5424 | myburgos@022aode.com |
Austin Burt | Professor | Biological Sciences | 02/525 | 413-755-4671 | atburt@022aode.com |
Austin Bushey | Technical Operations Administrator | Information Technology | 16/351 | apbushey2401@022aode.com | |
Emily Butler | OER/Outreach Librarian | Library | 19/221 | 413-755-5634 | efbutler@022aode.com |
John Buxton | Director of Innovation and Program Development | Workforce Development | 27/253 | 413-755-5108 |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Michele Cabral | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | mmcabral2401@022aode.com | ||
Ingrid Caine | Clerk III | Student Activities | 19/129 | 413-755-4912 | icaine@022aode.com |
Channing Calcasola | Academic and Transfer Counselor | LEAD | 19/268B | 413-755-4484 | cdcalcasola@022aode.com |
Nicholas Camerota | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 13/112 | camerota@022aode.com | |
Carly Camossi | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | cacamossi2501@022aode.com | ||
Quimani Campbell | STEM Starter Academy Student Success Assistant | STEM Center | qacampbell0001@022aode.com | ||
Brian Candido | Associate Professor/Program Chair | Computer Technologies | 17/205 | 413-755-4876 | blcandido@022aode.com |
Allan Cangelosi | Evaluation Data Analyst Coordinator, Part Time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/225 | 413-755-5450 | adcangelosi0001@022aode.com |
Elisabeth Cantor | Academic Counselor | Academic Advising and Transfer Center | 19/235 | 413-755-4769 | ercantor@022aode.com |
Joshua Carreiro | Department Chair/Professor | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 17/237 | 413-755-4631 | jlcarreiro@022aode.com |
Wesley Carter | Director of the Career Connections Academy | Academic Affairs | 16/309 | 413-755-4523 | whcarter2301@022aode.com |
Matthew Cauchon | EMT Medical Director | SHPS/EMT | 20/88 | mcauchon@022aode.com | |
Laurie Cecchi | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Occupational Therapy | 20/320G | 413-755-4881 | lacecchi2001@022aode.com |
Charles Cierpich | Adjunct Faculty | MET | ccierpich0001@022aode.com | ||
Sharroya Charles | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 02/617 | 413-755-5606 | smcharles@022aode.com |
David Charron | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | djcharron@022aode.com | ||
Jason Chartier | Adjunct Faculty | Engineering and Computer Science |
413-755-4602 |
jcchartier2401@022aode.com | |
Amy Chenot | Department Chair/Instructor | SHPS/Surgical Technology | 20/302A |
413-755-4887 |
anchenot@022aode.com |
Nestor Chevere | Adjunct Faculty | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/304 | 413-755-5557 | nlchevere@022aode.com |
Mahera Chiarizio | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 13/312 | 413-755-4252 | mchiarizio@022aode.com |
Amanda Childs | Lab Assistant | Workforce Development | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | alchilds2301@022aode.com |
Santina Chiusano | Mentor | Gateway to College | 08/100 | schiusano@022aode.com | |
Emily Ciccolo | Healthcare Career Navigator | SHPS | 20/112I | 413-755-5752 | ejciccolo2401@022aode.com |
Deborah Cieboter | Clinical Instructor and Skills Laboratory Faculty, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | dscieboter@022aode.com | ||
Tyler Ciecko | HVAC Refrigeration Mechanic I | Facilities | 17/106 | 413-755-4700 | |
Edwin Cintron | Network Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 16/351 | ||
Cynthia Claudio | Administrative Assistant II | Liberal Arts and Professional Studies | 13/145 | 413-755-4232 | cclaudio@022aode.com |
Jasmin Clemons | CNA Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | jnclemons@022aode.com | |
Stephanie Clymer | Instructional Coordinator | Workforce Development | 27/252 | 143-755-4090 | slclymer2301@022aode.com |
Dora Coayla | Support Staff Enrollment Services | Admissions | 19/168 | dlcoayla@022aode.com | |
Jason Cohen | Senior Director of Finance and Budgets | Administrative Services | 16/205 | 413-755-4051 | jlcohen@022aode.com |
Michael Collazo | Helpdesk Staff, Part-time | User Support | 27/135 | ||
Andrew Collins | Instructor | Computer Technologies | 17/637 | 413-755-4759 | ajcollins@022aode.com |
Blanca Colon | Title V Academic Advisor | STEM Center | 17/425A | 413-755-5722 | bicolon@022aode.com |
Eric Colon | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | emcolon@022aode.com |
Gladys Colon | Associate Director of Student Financial Services, Financial Aid | Student Financial Services | 19/288B | gcolon2402@022aode.com | |
Nelson Colon | Adjunct Faculty | ELMS College | colonnelson@elms.edu | ||
Lorri Comeau | Learning Specialist | Disability Services | 19/141 |
413-755-4513 |
lcomeau2401@022aode.com |
Leslie Connor | Maintainer III | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-5157 | lconnor@022aode.com |
Dan Connors | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | djconnors@022aode.com |
Scott Conroy | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4826 | smconroy2301@022aode.com |
Chelsea Contrada | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | cacontrada@022aode.com | ||
John Cook | President | President's Office | 16/237 | 413-755-4906 | jbcook@022aode.com |
Nicole Cook | Clerk IV | Student Financial Services | 19/287 | 413-755-3373 | nacook@022aode.com |
Richard Cookish | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 111/114 | 413-755-6130 | rfcookish@022aode.com |
Scott Coopee | Director of Applications | Information Technology | 16/351A | ||
Jeffrey Cooper | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | jlcooper@022aode.com | ||
Theresa Cooper | Director of Clinical Education | SHPS/Nursing | 20/256 | 413-755-4852 | tmcooper@022aode.com |
Arnold Corbeil | Gate Attendant, Part-time | Parking | 19/269 | 413-755-4238 | afcorbeil2101@022aode.com |
Josh Cornehlsen | Literary Specialist | Workforce Development/ESOL | 27/260 | 413-755-3765 | jcornehlsen@022aode.com |
Jorge Costa | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | jgcosta@022aode.com | ||
Joseph Courchesne | Workkeys Test Prep Instructor | Workforce Development | jpcourchesne2401@022aode.com | ||
Maura Cournoyer | Workkeys Test Prep instructor | Workforce Development | mbcournoyer2401@022aode.com | ||
Ayanna Crawford | College for Kids Instructor | Workforce Development | acrawford@022aode.com | ||
Christopher Croteau | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | cjcroteau@022aode.com |
Wesley Crouch | Associate Professor | Computer Technologies | 17/213 | 413-755-4092 | wrcrouch2001@022aode.com |
Mariana Crus | Clerical Assistant | Student Success Center | 19/218 | 413-755-4715 | mscrus@022aode.com |
Christine Crutchfield | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | cncrutchfield@022aode.com | ||
Belymer Cruz | Access Services Assistant | Library | 19/221 | 413-755-4532 | bcruz2101@022aode.com |
Omeiry Cruz | Clerk III | TRiO Student Support Services | 19/266 | 413-755-4718 | ocruz0002@022aode.com |
Andy Curto | Senior Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 27/143 | ||
Eileen Cusick | Adjunct Faculty |
Business Administration |
cusick@022aode.com | ||
Danielle Czarnecki | Clinical Lab Instructor, Part-time |
SHPS/Nursing |
20/308 | 413-755-4935 | dczarnecki2201@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Alexandra DaCunha | Clinical Lab Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/308 | aedacunha2101@022aode.com | |
Aimee Dalenta | Professor/Early Childhood Ed Coordinator | Humanities | 13/314 | 413-755-4284 | adalenta@022aode.com |
Philip Dalessio | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 02/526 | 413-755-5332 | pwdalessio@022aode.com |
James Danko | Assistant Director of Communications | Marketing and Communications | 16/131 | 413-755-4812 | jdanko@022aode.com |
Karen Davis | HiSet Instructor | Workforce Development | kdavis2001@022aode.com | ||
Patrick Dawes | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 2/520 | 413-755-4615 | pjdawes2401@022aode.com |
Brenna Day | Authorized Testing Center Proctor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 2/304 | 413-755-4507 | bday0001@022aode.com |
Wesley Days | Technology and Retention Specialist, Part-time | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | wldays2201@022aode.com |
John Dayton | Adjunct Faculty | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/306 | 413-755-5557 | jdayton@022aode.com |
Juan De La Rosa | Program Specialist, Part-Time | Workforce Development | 27/260 | ||
Alicia De Oliveira | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | |||
Mary Deangelo | Recruitment and Retention specialist, Part-time | Workforce Development | 27/260K | 413-755-5102 | |
Gloria Defillipo | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | gadefillipo@022aode.com | ||
Jennifer DeForge | Assistant Professor | Technical Arts and Design | 17/215 | 413-755-5212 | jadeforge@022aode.com |
Chester Degray | Deputy Chief/Director of Public Safety | Campus Police | 9/105 | 413-755-4203 | cmdegray@022aode.com |
Abdel Dejesus-Cortes | Clerical Support, Part-time | Male Initiative for Leadership Education (MILE) | 19/3rd | ardejesus@022aode.com | |
Christian DeJesus | Academic Counselor | Student Initiatives | 19/372 | 413-755-4485 | cdejesus2201@022aode.com |
Osvardo Del Valle Jr | Helpdesk Staff, Part-time | User Support | 27/143 |
Angela Della Porta | HiSet Instructor | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/260 T15 | 413-755-4300 | adellaporta2101@022aode.com |
Samuel Delore | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 17/308 | scdelore0001@022aode.com | |
Tyrone Denson | Adjunct Faculty | Fire Science Technology | 17/527 | tadenson2101@022aode.com | |
Alyssa Deragon | Clerk IV | Testing and Assessment Center | 19/238 | 413-755-4685 | asderagon@022aode.com |
Parth Desai | Adjunct Faculty | Health Services | pmdesai2401@022aode.com | ||
Cynthia DeSellier | Coordinator | Civil Engineering Technology | 17/303 | 413-755-4574 | cdesellier@022aode.com |
Jonathan Diamond | Assistant Men's Basketball Coach | Athletics | 413-755-4070 | jsdiamond2401@022aode.com | |
Anthony Dickerson | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | aedickerson@022aode.com |
John Diffley | Professor/Honors/Liberal Arts-General Studies Coordinator | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 17/241 | 413-755-4627 | jjdiffley@022aode.com |
David DiMattio | Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs | Academic Affairs | 16/329 | 413-755-4128 | djdimattio@022aode.com |
Lineisha Dominicci-Rosario | Assistant Professor | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 111/116B | 413-755-4602 | lmrosario@022aode.com |
Jessica Dondi | Associate Registrar | Registrar's Office | 19/169 | 413-755-5173 | jadondi@022aode.com |
Paul Donohue | Clinical Consultant | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/213 | 413-755-5709 | padonohue@022aode.com |
Fabiana Dos Santos Malavaes | Associate Professor | Mathematics | 17/331 | 413-755-4617 | fdossantosmalavaes@022aode.com |
Emily Dow | Clinical Lab Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/304 | ecdow2001@022aode.com | |
Deborah Dowd | Clerk IV | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4708 | dadowd2301@022aode.com |
Dennis Drake | Adjunct Faculty | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/331 | 413-755-4822 | dadrake@022aode.com |
Thomas Drewnowski | Tradesman | Facilities | 27/B26 | 413-755-4751 | tedrewnowski@022aode.com |
Karen Drumheller | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Medical Assisting | 20/302J | 413-755-5434 | kbdrumheller0001@022aode.com |
Allyson Dubiel | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Respiratory Therapy | 20/302 | 413-755-7467 | abdubiel0001@022aode.com |
Katherine Dudley | Lab Assistant | Workforce Development | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | kjdudley2301@022aode.com |
Alena Duffy | Clinical Instructor and Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Occupational Therapy | 20/96 | amduffy@022aode.com | |
Renson Duka | Accountant III | Business Office | 16/203 | 413-755-4459 | rkduka@022aode.com |
Jessica Dulaski | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | jadulaski2101@022aode.com | ||
Janice Dunham | Serve Safe Instructor/Proctor | Workforce Development | jedunham@022aode.com | ||
Carole Dupont | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 02/529 | 413-755-4609 | cdupont@022aode.com |
Seth Dupuis | Associate Professor/Criminal Justice Coordinator | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 17/225 | 413-755-4411 | sadupuis@022aode.com |
Andrew Durand | HVAC Mechanic/Adjunct | Facilities/Energy Systems Tech | 32/103 |
413-755-5309 |
ajdurand@022aode.com |
Edward Dwyer | Adjunct Faculty | Landscaping | edwyer@022aode.com | ||
Robert Dziekan | Maintainer III | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | rhdziekan@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Joseph Earls | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | 13/224 | 413-755-4243 | jcearls@022aode.com |
Justin Edington | Clinical Instructor, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | jmedington2301@022aode.com | |
Anne Erickson | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | akerickson2401@022aode.com | ||
Laurel Erickson | Clinical | SHPS/Nursing | llerickson@022aode.com | ||
April Estrada | Human Resources Generalist/Benefits Administrator | Human Resources | 16/262 | 413-755-4643 | aestrada2401@022aode.com |
George Estrada | CNA Instructor and Adjunct Faculty | Workforce Development and Mechanical Engineering Technologies | gestrada2401@022aode.com | ||
Kelson Ettienne-Modeste | Associate Professor | Biological Sciences | 02/515 | 413-755-4609 | kjettienne-Modeste@022aode.com |
Dawn Evans | Maintainer III | Facilities | 17/208 | 413-755-4365 | dfevans@022aode.com |
Loren Evarts | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | 203-639-0636 | levarts@022aode.com | |
Erica Eynouf | Dean of the Library | Library | 19/228 | 413-755-4064 | eweynouf@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Matthew Farmer | Director of Payroll | Administrative Services | 16/215 | 413-755-4690 | mkfarmer@022aode.com |
David Farnum | Adjunct Faculty | Technical Arts and Design | 02/718 | 413-755-4194 | dafarnum0001@022aode.com |
Stephanie Fernandes | Adjunct Faculty | English | slfernandes2401@022aode.com | ||
Kenneth Ferreira | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | kferreira@022aode.com |
Marissa Ferrentino | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112F | 413-755-5754 | mferrentino2101@022aode.com |
Erin Ferris | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | ejferris2401@022aode.com | ||
Carl Fetteroll | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | 17/412 | 413-755-5253 | cfetteroll@022aode.com |
Michel Fiallo-Perez | Literacy Specialist | Workforce Development/ABE/SALC | 27/129 | 413-755-4300 | mfiallo-perez@022aode.com |
Carter Field | Adjunct Faculty | Energy Systems Technology (HVAC) | cafield2401@022aode.com | ||
Amnerys Figueroa | Clerk III | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/238 | 413-755-4900 | afigueroa@022aode.com |
Raquel Figueroa | Clerk IV | SHPS | 20/320A | 413-755-4510 | rfigueroa0002@022aode.com |
Elizabeth Finelli | Pathways Coach/Senior Community Outreach Counselor | Early College Initiatives | 16/273 | 413-755-5644 | ecfinelli2401@022aode.com |
Bridget Finn | Administrative Assistant I | School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | 17/313 | 413-755-4008 | bfinn@022aode.com |
Denise (Daisy) Flaim | Professor | Humanities | 13/208 | 413-755-4262 | dflaim@022aode.com |
Aida Flores-Delgado | Clinical Instructor Respiratory Therapist, Part-time | SHPS | 20/302 | 413-755-5707 | aflores0003@022aode.com |
Carol Flores | Academic Counselor | TRIO Student Support Services | 19/266C | 413-755-4525 | cflores@022aode.com |
Lydia Flores | Clerk IV | Testing and Assessment Center | 19/238 | 413-755-4634 | lflores@022aode.com |
Nanette Flores | Executive Assistant to the President | President's Office | 16/237 | 413-755-4418 | nflores@022aode.com |
Maria Fonseca | Coordinator of Student Assessment | Testing and Assessment Center | 19/245 | 413-755-4657 | mlfonseca@022aode.com |
Kimberly Fontaine | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4826 | krfontaine@022aode.com |
Joshua Fontanez | Associate Head Coach | Athletics | 2/405 | jifontanez@022aode.com | |
Jonathan Forgue | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 17/635 | 413-755-4579 | jgforge@022aode.com |
David Forton | Senior Academic Counselor | Disability Services/Counseling Services | 19/141G | 413-755-4332 | dcforton@022aode.com |
Gail Foss | Laboratory Technician II | Biological Sciences | 02/603 | 413-755-5334 | gfoss@022aode.com |
Gladys Franco | Assistant Vice President of Workforce Development | Workforce Development | 27/257 | 413-755-4522 | gnfranco@022aode.com |
Terrence Fraser | Accountant I, Part-time | Student Financial Services | 19/288 | 413-755-4494 | tfraser2401@022aode.com |
Carla French | Clinical instructor, Part Time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4935 | cafrench2401@022aode.com |
Eli Freund | Director of Marketing and Communications | Marketing and Communications | 15/207A | 413-755-4817 | esfreund@022aode.com |
Eileen Frink | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Physical Therapist Assistant | 20/302M | 413-755-4880 | emfrink@022aode.com |
Scott Frink | Department Chair/Assistant Professor | SHPS/Respiratory Care | 20/302D | 413-755-4878 | smfrink@022aode.com |
Alyssa Fugiel | Patient Simulation Informatics Coordinator, Part-time | SHPS/SIMS Medical Center | 20/108C | 413-755-4959 | afugiel0001@022aode.com |
Lisa Fugiel | Director of Nursing | SHPS/Nursing | 20/221 | 413-755-4786 | lfugiel@022aode.com |
Lucinda Fuller | Department Chair/Professor | SHPS/Health Sciences | 20/302N | 413-755-4859 | cfuller@022aode.com |
Kaylee Furlano | Academic Advisor, Part-time | TRIO Student Support Services | 19/266D | 413-755-4914 | kjfurlano@022aode.com |
Michael Furey | Workkeys Test Prep Instructor, Part-Time | Workforce Development | 27/260 | mpfurey2401@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Ann-Marie Gagne | Professor | Mathematics | 17/329 | 413-755-4809 | afsimao@022aode.com |
Colby Gallagher | Clinical Lab Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/304 | cmgallagher@022aode.com | |
Daryl Gallant | Clerk IV | School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | 17/207 | 413-755-4571 | dkgallant2201@022aode.com |
Christopher Galligan | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | cjgalligan2401@022aode.com | ||
Kiyota Garcia | Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Interim Chief Equity Officer | Student Initiatives | 19/267A | 413-755-4317 | klgarcia@022aode.com |
Julia Garrido | Literacy Specialist, Part-time | Workforce Development/ESOL | 27/260 | 413-755-3765 | jcgarrido@022aode.com |
Allison Gates | Human Resources Generalist/Benefits | Human Resources | 16/257 | 413-755-4489 | aegates2401@022aode.com |
Christopher Geary | SIMS Informatic Coordinator, Part-time | SHPS/SIMS Medical Center | 20/315 | 413-755-4959 | cpgeary2201@022aode.com |
Andrea Gedeon | Title V HSI Grant Financial Literacy Coordinator | STEM Center | 17/425 | 413-755-5729 | agedeon2201@022aode.com |
Louis Gentile | Professor | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 17/229 | 413-755-4694 | lgentile@022aode.com |
Ana Gerena | Program Specialist, Part-time | Workforce Development | aigerena2401@022aode.com | ||
Ann Gervais | Department Chair/Professor | Business Administration | 13/338 | 413-755-5705 | apgervais@022aode.com |
Angela Gervais | Clinical Coordinator, Part-time | SHPS/Sonography | aagervais2201@022aode.com | ||
Jeffrey Gifford | CNC Operator Instructor | Workforce Development | jpgifford2401@022aode.com | ||
Jennie Gilmore | Workkeys Test Prep Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | jdgilmore2401@022aode.com | ||
Sarah Girard | Adjunct Faculty | Computer Systems Engineering Technology | sgirouard2401@022aode.com | ||
Alexis Girhiny | HR Generalist/Benefits Administrator | Human Resources | 16/255 | 413-755-4426 | agirhiny2401@022aode.com |
Joshua Girouard | Technical Assistant II | Technical Arts and Design | 17/323A | 413-755-4205 | jgirouard@022aode.com |
Matthew Goebel | Mechanical Engineering Technology Lab Technician II | School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | 111/108 | 413-755-6131 | mrgoebel0001@022aode.com |
Elizabeth Goldberg | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS | 20/228 | ejgoldberg@022aode.com | |
Amy Goldman | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | agoldman2501@022aode.com | ||
Noni Goldman | ESOL Admin Assistant | Workforce Development | 13/131 | 413-755-3765 | ngoldman2301@022aode.com |
Luzia Goncalves | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS | 20/228 | lggoncalves@022aode.com | |
Kathryn Good-Schiff | Reference Librarian | Library | 19/221E | 413-755-4555 | kmgood-schiff@022aode.com |
Kelli Goodkowsky | Assistant Dean | SHPS | 20/207 | 413-755-4538 | kgoodkowsky@022aode.com |
Lori Goodreau | Executive Assistant | Student Affairs | 19/261 | 413-755-4402 | llgoodreau@022aode.com |
Peter Goodreau | Clerk III | Disability Services | 19/141 | 413-755-5388 | pjgoodreau2201@022aode.com |
Renae Gorman | Department Chair/Professor | SHPS/Physical Therapist Assistant | 20/302M | 413-755-4844 | rgorman@022aode.com |
Stephen Grader | Assistant Professor | Energy Systems Technology | 32/103 | sgrader@022aode.com | |
Sheila Grassetti | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | 17/407 | 413-755-5351 | smgrassetti@022aode.com |
Vinny Grassetti | Staff, Part-time | Athletics | 2/G06 | 413-755-5137 | vgrassetti@022aode.com |
Matthew Gravel | Dean of Academic Initiatives | Academic Affairs | 16/327 | 413-755-4623 | mgravel@022aode.com |
Rosie Greenwood | Clerical Support Staff, Part-time | Academic Advising and Transfer Center | 19/232 | 413-755-4857 | argreenwood2301@022aode.com |
Stephen Grader | Adjunct Faculty | STEM Engineering | 32/103 |
413-755-4094 |
sgrader@022aode.com |
Matthew Gravel | Dean of Institutional Research and Accreditation | Academic Affairs | mgravel@022aode.com | ||
MaryLou Griffin | CNA Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/206 | mgriffin2401@022aode.com | |
Lyudmila Gritskevich | Staff Assistant | Admissions | 19/168 | 413-755-4377 | lgritskevich@022aode.com |
Charlene Gryszowka | Lab Assistant - Phlebotomy | Workforce Development | 20/222 | cdgryszowka@022aode.com | |
Beverly Guerrero-Porter | Staff Assistant, Part-time | Gateway to College | 08/100A | 413-755-4581 | blguerreroporter2101@022aode.com |
Eunice Guidry | Manager of Advancement and Alumni Engagement | Advancement and External Affairs | 16/127 | 413-755-4475 | emguidry@022aode.com |
Sylvia Guijarro-Sines | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Medical Lab Technician | 20/302 | 413-755-4510 | sguijarrosines2401@022aode.com |
J. Anthony Guillory | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | jaguillory@022aode.com | ||
Thomas Guzowski | Associate Professor/Director | SHPS/Clinical Education and Physical Therapy | 20/302M | 413-755-4880 | teguzowski@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Doris Haber | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112N | 413-755-4788 | dahaber@022aode.com |
Karen Hachadourian | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | klhachadourian@022aode.com | ||
Connie Hackett | Assistive Technology Technician | Disability Services | 19/141H | 413-755-4082 | cmhackett@022aode.com |
Zahi Haddad | Professor | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/309 | 413-755-4679 | zhaddad@022aode.com |
Warren Hall | Adjunct Faculty | Technical Arts and Design | whall@022aode.com | ||
Kara Haller Markham | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | knhaller@022aode.com | ||
William Halloran | Adjunct Faculty | Energy Systems Technology (HVAC) | 32/103 | wthalloran0001@022aode.com | |
Mary Hamilton | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | mkhamilton@022aode.com |
George Hargrove | Fitness Center Staff | Athletics | gghargrove@022aode.com | ||
Stacey Hartley | Director of Human Resources | Human Resources | 16/251 | 413-755-4667 | smhartley@022aode.com |
Carolynn Hastie | Clinical instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/304 | cbhastie2501@022aode.com | |
Renee Hastings | Assistant Professor Dental Hygiene | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | rmhastings2301@022aode.com | ||
Russell Hatch | Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 27/143 | ||
My-Ron Hatchett | Adjunct Faculty | Architecture and Building Technology | mhatchett2401@022aode.com | ||
Theresa Hawley-Inacio | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Nursing | trhawleyinacio@022aode.com | ||
Daniel Hebert | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | dhebert@022aode.com | ||
Thomas Hegarty | HiSet instructor | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/129 | tchegarty@022aode.com | |
Andrew Held | Assistant Professor | Laser Optics | 17/635 | 413-755-4579 | aheld2501@022aode.com |
Takiah Helton | Senior Enrollment Counselor | Admissions | 19/168F | 413-755-4328 | tshelton0001@022aode.com |
Jasmine Herman | Staff Assistant | Student Affairs | 19/267 | 413-755-5252 | jherman@022aode.com |
Anthony Hernandez | Financial Aid Counselor | Student Financial Services | 19/288 | 413-755-4393 | ajhernandez@022aode.com |
Sherilyn Herron | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112H | 413-755-4941 | slherron0001@022aode.com |
Michael Hill | Plumber | Facilities | 17/104 | 413-755-4700 | mjhill@022aode.com |
Natalie Hill | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Nursing | nhill@022aode.com | ||
Rahmel Hill | Fitness Center Staff | Athletics | 1/101 | 413-755-4966 | rhill@022aode.com |
Vanessa Hill | Professor | Mathematics | 17/411 | 413-755-4797 | vhill@022aode.com |
Helen Hillman | Administrative Support to the Deans | SHPS | 20/302 | 413-755-4867 | hmhillman@022aode.com |
Cynthia Ho | Staff Assistant, Part-time | Student Activities | 19/129 | 413-755-4897 | cho0002@022aode.com |
Beryl Hoffman | Adjunct Faculty | Computer Technologies | bhoffman2401@022aode.com | ||
Ebony Hopper-Robinson | Education and Career Advisor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 413-755-4300 | enhopperrobinson2301@022aode.com | |
Eva Howard | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | ehoward2401@022aode.com | ||
Scott Howes | Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 16/351 | ||
Carol Huben | Career Advisor, Part-time | Workforce Development/ABE/ESOL | 13/145 | 413-755-3765 | chuben2201@022aode.com |
Gina Humphries | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/213 | 413-755-5709 | ghumphries@022aode.com |
Caitlin Hurd | Adjunct Faculty | Art | churd2401@022aode.com | ||
Laura Hurley | Grants Compliance Manager | Grants | 16/309 | 413-755-5753 | ljhurley2201@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Emily Jackson | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Health Sciences | 20/302 | ekjackson2401@022aode.com | |
Nicole Jackson | Coordinator of Student Success | Student Success Center | 19/220 | 413-755-4537 | nljackson@022aode.com |
Stephanie Jackson | HiSet instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | sljackson2501@022aode.com | |
Jennifer Jacobson | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | jljacobson0001@022aode.com | ||
Deborah Jacques | Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112-A | 413-755-4925 | dbjacques@022aode.com |
Rick Jagodowski | Professor | Electrical Engineering Technologies | 17/633 | 413-755-4594 | jagodowski@022aode.com |
Lisa Jeronimo | Lab Coordinator | SHPS/Medical Assistant | 20/323 | 413-755-4939 | lmjeronimo@022aode.com |
Karen Johnson | Youth Academy Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | kljohnson2401@022aode.com | |
Kevin Johnson | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | kdjohnson@022aode.com |
Marlene Johnson | Title V Grant Project Director | STEM Center | 17/412 | 413-755-4819 | mnjohnson2201@022aode.com |
Sherard Johnson | Adjunct Faculty | Social Work | swjohnson2401@022aode.com | ||
Susan Johnson | Clerk V | Workforce Development | 27/254 | 413-755-4495 | johnson@022aode.com |
Kenneth Johnston | Temp | Gateway to College | 08/100 | kjjohnston@022aode.com | |
Donna Mae Jones | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112-K | 413-755-4329 | djones0001@022aode.com |
Pamela Jones | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | pdjones@022aode.com | ||
Pamelyn Jongbloed | Professor | Humanities | 13/245 | 413-755-4610 | pjongbloed@022aode.com |
Miranda Jurras | ABE Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 413-755-4300 | mmjurras2201@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Jennifer Kalisz | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112-M | 413-755-4856 | jekalisz0001@022aode.com |
Kerri Kane | Director of Purchasing and Business Services | Facilities | 16/109 | 413-755-4115 | kpkane@022aode.com |
Mary Kaselouskas | Vice President and Chief Information Officer | Information Technology | 16/339 | ||
Jordan Kaye | ESOL Co-Instructor for Hampden Prep, Part-time | Workforce Development | |||
Cassandra Keller | CNS Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 413-755-4300 | ||
Samantha Kelley | Program Coordinator/Dental Assistant | SHPS/Dental Assistant | 20/203A | 413-755-4879 | |
Leslie Kelly | Clinical Lab Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/308 | ||
Darcey Kemp | Vice President of Student Affairs | Student Affairs | 19/263 | 413-755-4558 | dlkemp@022aode.com |
Caitlin Kenefick | Clinical Instructor, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4935 | cakenefick2401@022aode.com |
Christine Kent | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | cjkent@022aode.com | ||
Nancy Keyes | Adjunct Faculty | English | nkeyes2401@022aode.com | ||
Christine Kern-Warnock | Clinical Coordinator | SHPS/Sonography | 20/328 | cwarnock@022aode.com | |
Fahad Khan | Professor | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 32/103 | 413-755-5308 | fakhan@022aode.com |
Advein Kiaresh | Gate Attendant, Part-time | Parking | 19/269 | 413-755-4238 | arkiaresh@022aode.com |
David Killian | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Medical Imaging/Radiological Technologies | 20/302F | 413-755-4850 | dmkillian@022aode.com |
Kimberly Kilty | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Radiologic Technology | 20/337 | kakilty@022aode.com | |
Gene Kingsley | Information Technology | Cyber Range Manager | gmkingsley@022aode.com | ||
Agnieszka Klim | Clerk IV | SHPS | 20/225 | 413-755-4935 | aklim2501@022aode.com |
Aimee Kluczwski | Programmer/Analyst | Information Technology | 16/359 | ||
Jordan Knicely | Director of Institutional Research | Institutional Research | 16/323A | 413-755-4286 | jknicely@022aode.com |
Randy Knoll | Adjunct Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | rlknoll@022aode.com |
Melanie Kornacki | Director of Instruction and Assessment | Workforce Development | mmkornacki2201@022aode.com | ||
Rudolf Korobkov | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Respiratory Care | 20/302b | 413-755-5017 | rkorobkov@stcc.ed |
Steve Kozar | Building Maintenance Supervisor II | Facilities | 16/108 | 413-755-4752 | skozar@022aode.com |
Fred Krampits | Chief Engineer - WTCC | WTCC Radio Station | 16/135A | 413-755-4517 | krampits@022aode.com |
Kyle Kraus | Educational Technology Instructional Designer | Academic Affairs | 17/201 | 413-755-5326 | kskraus@022aode.com |
Elizabeth Krauza | Advancement Assistant | Advancement and External Affairs | 15/207 | 413-755-4473 | ekrauza2101@022aode.com |
Matthew Kriftcher | Professor | Technical Arts and Design | 14/211 | 413-755-4312 | mbkriftcher@022aode.com |
Sara Krokov | Adjunct Faculty | English | sakrokov2401@022aode.com | ||
Henry Kudisch | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 2/520 | 413-755-4615 | hkudisch2401@022aode.com |
Marta Kurc | Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 27/260 | mkurc@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Madeline La Santa Padilla | Recruitment and Retention Specialist, Part-Time | Workforce Development | mlasantapadilla2301@022aode.com | ||
Ana Carla Labonte | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | ablabonte0001@022aode.com | ||
Elizabeth Labrie | Clinical Lab Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/308 | 413-755-4786 | ealabrie@022aode.com |
Nikolette Lacey | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4935 | nelacey2401@022aode.com |
Dominic LaDuke | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 111/114 | 413-755-6130 | dmladuke@022aode.com |
Cynthia Lamacchia | Adjunct Faculty | Workforce Development | 20/348 | cmlamacchia@022aode.com | |
Crystal Lamb | Administrative Assistant II | School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | 17/313 | 413-755-4576 | cdlamb@022aode.com |
Ronald Lamb | Electrician | Facilities | 27/B25 | 413-755-5263 | relamb@022aode.com |
Scott Lambert | System Administrator of Online Learning | Information Technology | 16/277 | ||
Barbara Langford-Witherell | Communications Dispatcher II | Campus Police | 9/108 | 413-755-5455 | |
Toni Langone | Academic Counselor | Academic Advising and Transfer Center | 19/236 | 413-755-4306 | tlangone@022aode.com |
Colin LaPierre | Physical Therapy Assistant Program | SHPS | 20/93 | 413-755-4510 | cjlapierre0001@022aode.com |
Melissa Laplante | Health Compliance Generalist | SHPS | 19/184 | 413-755-4592 | malaplante2301@022aode.com |
Jason Lariviere | Sergeant, Campus Police Officer III | Campus Police | 09/107 | 413-755-5464 | jrlariviere@022aode.com |
Barbara Larkin | Technical Support | SHPS/Nursing | 20/227 | 413-755-4129 | larkin@022aode.com |
Keith Laster | Campus Police Officer I | Campus Police | 09/107 | 413-755-5463 | laster@022aode.com |
Scott Laudani | WTCC-FM General Manager, Part-time | Advancement and External Affairs | 16/136A | 413-755-4535 | slaudani2301@022aode.com |
Melanie Laurin | Director of Early College Initiatives | Early College Initiatives | 16/326 | 413-755-4443 | mlaurin@022aode.com |
Stacey Law | Adjunct Faculty Sterile Processing | SHPS/Health Sciences | 20/334 | 413-755-4037 | slaw2201@022aode.com |
Miranda Lebel | Clinical Instructor Nursing, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | mklebel0001@022aode.com | |
Lisa Leblanc | Clinical Instructor, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4935 | lalbelanc2201@022aode.com |
Robyn Ledwith | Clinical Coordinator and Associate Professor | SHPS/Medical Assistant | 20/302O | 413-755-4871 | raledwith@022aode.com |
Eun Soo Lee | Program Chair/Professor | SHPS/Sonography/Medical Imaging | 20/302E | 413-755-4915 | elee@022aode.com |
Ellen Leonard | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | eleonard@022aode.com | ||
Julianne Lessard | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Occupational Therapy | 20/96 | 413-755-4510 | jmlessard2301@022aode.com |
Joretha Lewis | Education and Career Advisor | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/216 | 413-755-5481 | jlewis2201@022aode.com |
Lisa Liberatore | STEM Lead Tutor, Part-time | STEM Center | 17/425 | 413-755-4660 | laliberatore2201@022aode.com |
Howard Lilly | Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 27/143 | ||
Eric Lim | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 17/308 | 413-755-5620 | elim2001@022aode.com |
Debbie Lindner | Adjunct Faculty | English | dlindner@022aode.com | ||
Karim Lizardi | Bilingual CNA Instructor |
Workforce Development |
kslizardi2401@022aode.com | ||
Elizabeth Lizotte | Director of User Support Services |
Information Technology |
27/143 | ||
Mary (Meg) Loadholt | Program Coordinator | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/240 | 413-755-4858 | mmloadholt@022aode.com |
Gena Lomelin | Senior Project Manager | Facilities | 16/113 | 413-755-4314 | |
Felicita Lopez | Spanish Language - Early Childhood Education Adjunct | LAPS/Social and Behavioral Sciences | |||
Justin Lopez | IT Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | jllopez2501@022aode.com | |
Nelson Lopez | Associate Director of Student Financial Services | Student Affairs | 19/288A | 413-755-4524 | nolopez2201@022aode.com |
Yezenia Lopez | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | yllopez@022aode.com | ||
Alexander Lozada | Instructor/Assistant Professor | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 111/116B | 413-755-4611 | ajlozada0001@022aode.com |
Moira Lozada | Education and Career Advisor | Workforce Development/ESOL | 27/260 | 413-755-3765 | melozada2001@022aode.com |
Jose Lopez-Figueroa | Director of the Center for Access Services | Center for Access Services | 07/205 | 413-755-4028 | jhlopez-figueroa@022aode.com |
Laura Lopez Mora | ESOL Instructor, Part-Time | Workforce Development | 27/260 | ||
Nicola Ludwig | Digital and Social Media Manager | Marketing and Communications | 16/131 | 413-755-4088 | nludwig2301@022aode.com |
Corey Lynch | Campus Police Officer III - Sergeant | Campus Police | 09/107 | 413-755-5465 | cplynch@022aode.com |
Andrew Lyne | Patient Informatics Coordinator | SHPS/Nursing | 20/108 | 413-755-4959 | aslyne@022aode.com |
Brianna Lyons | Facilitator | Gateway to College | 08/100 | bllyons@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Joseph Maciaszek | Professor | Biological Sciences | 02/532 | 413-755-4717 | jwmaciaszek@022aode.com |
Edward MacGray | Lab Technician 2 | Energy Systems Technology | 32/103 | ekmacgray2401@022aode.com | |
Bonnie MacKay | Administrative Assistant I | Admissions | 19/271 | 413-755-4391 | mackay@022aode.com |
Steven MacKay | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 111/114 | 413-755-6130 | smackay@022aode.com |
Michael Magala | Professor | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 13/141 | 413-755-4613 | mmagala@022aode.com |
Jean-Marie Magnier | Professor | Mathematics | 17/409 | 413-755-4719 | jmmagnier@022aode.com |
William Malave-Vidal | Dentist | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/236 | 413-755-4900 | wmalave-vidal@022aode.com |
Jessica Manzi | Adjunct Faculty | APS/Business | jmanzi2401@022aode.com | ||
Anna Mardirossian | Auto Damage Appraiser | Workforce Development | 413-755-4300 | amardirossian2101@022aode.com | |
Miguel Maria | Assistant Dean of Student Initiatives | Male Initiative for Leadership Education (MILE)/LEAD | 19/374 | 413-755-4437 | mamaria2101@022aode.com |
Rocky Mariani-Prall | Information Technology Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 27/260 | rcmarianiprall2401@022aode.com | |
Terri Mariani | Administrator | SHPS/Nursing | 20/227 | 413-755-4974 | tmariani@022aode.com |
Miciel Mariano | Clerk | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/238 | 413-755-5249 | mmariano@022aode.com |
Mariam (Marisha) Marks | Educational Technology Instructional Designer | Academic Affairs | 17/211 | 413-755-5323 | mfmarks2001@022aode.com |
Charles Martin | Gate Attendant, Part-time | Parking | 19/269 | 413-755-4238 | cmartin@022aode.com |
Richard Martin | Adjunct Faculty | Fire Science Technology | 17/511 | 413-755-4512 | rgmartin2201@022aode.com |
Erica Martins | Associate Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112E | 413-755-4367 | eamartins@022aode.com |
Anna Martineau | Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 27/143 | ||
Luis Martinez | Special Programs Coordinator | Center for Access Services | 7/206 | 413-755-5763 | lomartinez2201@022aode.com |
Nicholas Massa | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | massa@022aode.com | ||
Iris Matta |
Authorized Testing Center Staff | Workforce Development | 02/304 | 413-755-4507 | idmatta@022aode.com |
Nick Matthess | Lieutenant/Director of Public Safety | Campus Police | 09/105 | 413-755-4410 | nmatthess@022aode.com |
Jane Matuli | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | jkmatuli@022aode.com | ||
Sara Mavredakis | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112B | 413-755-5756 | |
Cleo Mavrelion | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | cmavrelion@022aode.com | ||
Michael Mayo | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Health Sciences | 20/302 | 413-755-4510 | mamayo@022aode.com |
Meghan McBride | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | mmcbride2401@022aode.com | ||
Wendy McCann | Lab Tech & Adjunct | Technical Arts and Design | 15/302A | 413-755-4374 | wcmccann@022aode.com |
Jessica McCloskey | Workkeys Test Prep Instructor | Workforce Development | jmmccloskey2401@022aode.com | ||
Jacqueline McColgan | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Nursing | mccolgan@022aode.com | ||
Ruth McCormick | Instructor | Workforce Development/Hampden Prep | 27/260 | 413-755-5282 | rmmccormick@022aode.com |
James McDonald | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | 17/410 | 413-755-4375 | jamcdonald@022aode.com |
Jillian McDonald | Workforce Development Program specialist, Part-Time | Workforce Development | 27/125 | 413-755-4300 | jjmcdonald2501@022aode.com |
Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh | Professor | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/339 | 413-755-4591 | bmcginnis-cavanaugh@022aode.com |
Kayla McGrath | Phlebotomy Lab Assistant, Part-time | Workforce Development | 27/260 | 413-755-4225 | kmcgrath0001@022aode.com |
Denise McIntyre | Clerk IV | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/215 | 413-755-5109 | dmcintyre@022aode.com |
Lorraine McIver | Lab Assistant | SHPS/Clinical Laboratory Sciences | 20/348 | 413-755-4998 | lbmciver@022aode.com |
Lessa McKellick | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Medical Lab Technician | 20/348 | 413-755-4510 | lamckellick0001@022aode.com |
Tracey McKethan | Adjunct Faculty | Health Information Technologies | tmckethan@022aode.com | ||
Kerryann McKinney | HSE Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | kdmckinney2201@022aode.com |
Linda Meccouri | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | lmeccouri@022aode.com | ||
Israel Medina | Carpenter, Part-time | Facilities | 27/B21 | imedina2101@022aode.com | |
Paulo Mendonca | Literacy Specialist, Part-time | Workforce Development/ESOL | 27/260 | 413-755-3765 | pcmendonca@022aode.com |
Jenary Merced | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | jlmerced@022aode.com | ||
Karen Merrill | Facilities and Contract Manager | Facilities | 16/115 | 413-755-4460 | klmerrill@022aode.com |
Natalie Metzger | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | nmetzger@022aode.com | ||
Mary Jo Meunier-Pare | Staff, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/227 | 413-755-4852 | mmeunier@022aode.com |
Jennifer Michaelian | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | jmmichaelian2001@022aode.com | ||
Kahari Mickens | Summer Program Support Staff | Early College Initiatives | kmickens2201@022aode.com | ||
Bryan Miles | Simulation Specialist 2 | SHPS | 20/248 | 413-755-4958 | bpmiles2401@022aode.com |
Jonathan Miller | Adjunct Faculty | Workforce Development | jlmiller2301@022aode.com | ||
Laurie Millikan | Senior Staff Assistant | SHPS | 20/331 | 413-755-5671 | ljmillikan@022aode.com |
Thomas Minor | Adjunct Faculty | Mechanical Engineering Technologies | tominor@022aode.com | ||
Daniel Misco | Associate Professor | Technical Arts and Design | 17/343 | 413-755-4573 | dmmisco@022aode.com |
Sarah Missildine | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112L | 413-755-4562 | semissildine@022aode.com |
Anita Mitchell | Clinical PT | SHPS/Nursing | almitchell1184@022aode.com | ||
Julianny Molinary | Clerk IV | Enrollment Services | 19/287 | 413-755-4214 | jmolinary2401@022aode.com |
Todd Mongeon | Officer III, Sergeant | Campus Police | 9/102 | 413-755-4260 | tamongeon2401@022aode.com |
Ahmad Monim | Support Staff, Part-time | Student Financial Services | 19/286 | 413-755-3374 | armonim0001@022aode.com |
Kayla Moore | Education and Career Advisor, Part-time | Workforce Development | klmoore2301@022aode.com | ||
William Moore | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | wmoore2401@022aode.com | ||
Aaron Morabito | Community Outreach Counselor/Success Coach | Student Success Center | 19/224 | 413-755-4137 | amorabito2201@022aode.com |
Danielle Morales | Administrative Assistant | Workforce Development | 27/256 |
413-755-4893 |
dmorales0002@022aode.com |
Michelle Morgan | Instructor | Workforce Development/ESOL | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | mmorgan@022aode.com |
Robert Mozell | Clerk, Part-time | Testing and Assessment Center | 19/238 | 413-755-4709 | rjmozell0001@022aode.com |
Gary Mullett | Professor | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 17/635 | 413-755-4600 | gmullett@022aode.com |
Jesse Mushenko | HSE Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | jmushenko@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Alfonso Nardi | Adjunct Faculty | Technical Arts and Design | awnardi@022aode.com | ||
Michele Nash | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 02/617 | 413-755-4159 | mnash@022aode.com |
Julie Nasser | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 13/108 | 413-755-4251 | janasser@022aode.com |
Ana Nater | Bilingual Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | aenater2401@022aode.com | |
Andrea Nathanson | Vice President of Administration and Sustainability/Chief Financial Officer | Business Office | 16/204 | 413-755-4889 | anathanson@022aode.com |
Vicky Navaroli | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 02/520 | 413-755-4615 | vlnavaroli@022aode.com |
Eirenn-Jingifer Neel | Adjunct Faculty | Sociology | eoneel2501@022aode.com | ||
Steven Nelson | Interim Dean of Liberal and Professional Studies, Department Chair/Assistant Professor | Humanities | 13/244 | 413-755-4271 | scnelson@022aode.com |
Andrew Nepal | Campus Police Officer I | Campus Police | 09/104 | aanepal@022aode.com | |
Jacqueline Newman | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | jawnewman@022aode.com | ||
Alberto Nieves | Coordinator of Athletics and Fitness | Athletics | 2/G06 | 413-755-4061 | anieves@022aode.com |
Kim Noel | Circulation Manager | Library | 19/211 | 413-755-4564 | knoel@022aode.com |
Ian Noonan | Director of Recruitment, Retention, and Transition | Workforce Development | 27/258 | 413-755-4502 | inoonan2201@022aode.com |
Mario Norbis | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | 13/312 | 413-755-4252 | mnorbis@022aode.com |
Kristen Norris | STEM Coach | STEM Center | 17/425 | 413-755-5649 | kmnorris2401@022aode.com |
Richard Norman | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | rnorman@022aode.com | ||
Stephanie Nunez | Adjunct Faculty | Landscaping | slnunez@022aode.com | ||
Tricia Nyarkoh | Assistant Professor Dental Hygiene | SHPS/Dental Sciences | tanyarkoh2401@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Darlene O'Brien | Associate Professor | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/244 | 413-755-4910 | dgobrien@022aode.com |
Keith O'Brien | Informatics Coordinator | SHPS | 20/315 | 413-755-4952 | kpobrien@022aode.com |
Christopher O'Connell | Adjunct Faculty | Digital Media Production | cpoconnell2401@022aode.com | ||
Philip O'Donoghue | Professor | Humanities | 13/243 | 413-755-4233 | pcodonoghue@022aode.com |
Karen O'Hare-Charles | Food Pantry Manager, Part-time | Center for Access Services | 7/206 | 413-755-5765 | |
Daniel O'Neill | Patient Simulation Information Coordinator | SHPS/SIMS Medical Center | 20/215 | 413-755-4570 | dponeill@022aode.com |
Alexandra O'Rourke | Literacy Specialist, Part-time | Workforce Development/ESOL | 27/260 | 413-755-3765 | acorourke@022aode.com |
Gilbert Ocasio | Chief Power Plant Engineer | Facilities | 17/106 | 413-755-4637 | gmocasio@022aode.com |
Juliette Ochola | Clinical Consultant | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/213 | 413-755-5709 | jdochola@022aode.com |
Kelechi Okpara | Coordinator of Healthcare Planning and Placement | SHPS | 20/112C | 413-755-5759 | |
Sandra Olan | Education and Career Counselor | Workforce Development | solan2401@022aode.com | ||
Agnieszka Orszulak | Clinical Part Time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4935 | aborszulak2401@022aode.com |
Katherine Ortiz | Education and Career Advisor | Workforce Development | 27/216 | 413-755-4304 | kcortiz@022aode.com |
Lillian Ortiz | Recruitment and Retention Specialist, Part-time |
Workforce Development |
27/260 | 413-755-5130 | lortiz2403@022aode.com |
Stephen Osgood | College for Kids Instructor |
Workforce Development |
sgosgood2401@022aode.com | ||
Obed Otabil | Adjunct Faculty | Civil Engineering Technology | 17/302 | ootabil2401@022aode.com | |
Vanessa Owens | Executive Assistant to the VP of Academic Affairs | Academic Affairs | 16/223 | 413-755-4434 | vowens@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Cruz Pagan | Information Technology Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | capagan2401@022aode.com | |
Renee Paquet | Instructor and Clinical Coordinator | SHPS/Radiologic Technology | 20/302K | 413-755-4850 | rpaquet2201@022aode.com |
Daniel Paquette | Systems Librarian | Library | 19/221A | 413-755-4550 | djpaquette@022aode.com |
Sean Parnell | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 111/116 | 413-755-6130 | srparnell@022aode.com |
Maryann Payeur | Accountant I | Student Financial Services | 19/288 | 413-755-4383 | mpayeur@022aode.com |
Beverly Pead | Assessment Coordinator and Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 13/330 | 413-755-4229 | bjpead@022aode.com |
Ashley Pease | Associate Professor | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 17/233 | 413-755-4280 | apease@022aode.com |
Justin Pelis | Adjunct Faculty | Landscaping | jmpelis@022aode.com | ||
Chris Penna | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | cmpenna@022aode.com |
Christopher Percy | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | cjpercy@022aode.com | ||
Melissa Pereira | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Health Information Technologies | 13/326 | 413-755-4680 | mapereira2001@022aode.com |
Shana Perez | Department Chair | SHPS/Medical Assisting | 20/302C | 413-755-4975 | scperez@022aode.com |
Sondra Peron | Professor/Art Gallery Coordinator & Cultural Programming | Humanities | 17/245 | 413-755-4231 | speron@022aode.com |
Kiley Perrone | Professional Tutor | Student Success Center | 19/218 | 413-755-4715 | kfperrone001@022aode.com |
Kristy Perry | Associate Professor | Humanities | 13/214 | 413-755-4572 | keperry@022aode.com |
MaryFrances Peters | Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 27/260 | ||
Ken Petit | Professor | Biological Sciences | 2/528 | 413-755-4589 | |
Connie Pettengill | Staff Assistant | SHPS | 20/331 | 413-755-4843 | pettengill@022aode.com |
Sean Pettis | Senior Director of Infrastructure and Chief Information Security Officer | Information Technology | 16/351B | ||
Darcelle Pharms | Administrative Assistant II | Liberal Arts and Professional Studies | 13/143 | 413-755-4060 | drpharms@022aode.com |
Jason Phillips | Academic Counselor and Adjunct | STEM Center and Social Sciences | 17/425A | 413-755-5721 | jsphillips2201@022aode.com |
Nancy Pickett | Professor | Humanities | 13/210 | 413-755-4258 | npickett@022aode.com |
Sandi Pike | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | smpike2401@022aode.com | |
David Pinto | Director of Data Management | Information Technology | 16/335 | ||
Laura Piquette | Department Chair/Associate Professor | Health Information Technologies | 13/324 | 755-5461 | lpiquette@022aode.com |
Meaghan Piretti | Professor | SHPS/Medical Imaging/Radiological Technologies | 20/302F | 413-755-4863 | mnpiretti@022aode.com |
Samantha Plourd | Dean of Enrollment, Retention, and Completion | Student Financial Services and Admissions | 19/271A | 413-755-4380 | seplourd2201@022aode.com |
Imani Plummer | Education and Career Advisor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 413-755-4300 | iaplummer0001@022aode.com | |
Brandon Poe | Professor | Biological Sciences | 02/531 | 413-755-4590 | bhpoe@022aode.com |
Jennifer Pope | Lab Assistant | Workforce Development | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | jmpope2301@022aode.com |
Theresa Prsybylowicz | Clinical instructor | SHPS/Nursing | taprzybylowicz@022aode.com | ||
Elisa Przybylek | Assistant Controller | Administration and Finance | 16/203 | emprzybylek@stccd.edu | |
Matt Pszeniczny | Laboratory Technician II | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/525B | 413-755-4608 | pszeniczny@022aode.com |
Maria Puppolo | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | mpuppolo@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Brianna Quero | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Sterile processing | 20/302 | brquero2401@022aode.com | |
Evelyn Quinones | Professional Tutor | Student Success Center | 19/218 | 413-755-4715 | equinones6997@022aode.com |
Kimberly Quinonez | Education and Career Counselor | Workforce Development | kmquinonez2401@022aode.com | ||
Guillermo Quispe | Lab Monitor, Part-time | Library | gequispe2401@022aode.com | ||
Carl Quist | Adjunct Faculty | Landscaping | chquist2101@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Aimee Racicot | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112A | 413-755-4842 | arracicot2201@022aode.com |
Nancy Raffio-Quartz | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 02/520 | 413-755-5332 | nraffioquartz@022aode.com |
Heidi Ragno | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | hcragno2401@022aode.com | ||
James Ramah | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | jramah@022aode.com | ||
Tracy Ramos | Clerk IV | Student Affairs | 19/161 | 413-755-4195 | tramos@022aode.com |
Reena Randhir | Associate Professor | Biological Sciences | 02/527 | 413-755-4618 | rrandhir@022aode.com |
Lisa Rapp | Professor | Biological Sciences | 02/533 | 413-755-5254 | lrapp@022aode.com |
Joseph Raschilla | Patient Simulation Informatics Coordinator | SHPS/SIMS Medical Center | 20/248 | jtraschilla2501@022aode.com | |
Susan Reade | Literary Specialist, Part-time | Workforce Development/ESOL | 27/260 | 413-755-3765 | smreade@022aode.com |
Katharine Reed | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | kbreed2001@022aode.com | ||
Lavone Reed | Helpdesk Staff, Part-time | User Support | 27/143 | ||
Kimberly Reese | Veterans Academic Counselor | Academic Advising and Transfer Center | 19/241 | 413-755-5343 | kareese2201@022aode.com |
Christian Reid | Helpdesk Staff, Part-time | User Support | 27/143 | ||
Brigetann Reilly | Adjunct Faculty | English | breilly2401@022aode.com | ||
John (Jack) Reuter | Reference and Instruction Librarian, Part-time | Library | 19/221 | 413-755-5395 | jwreuter2301@022aode.com |
Emmanuel Reyes | Career Advisor, Part-time | Workforce Development/ABE/ESOL | 13/145 | 413-755-3765 | ereyes2201@022aode.com |
John Reynolds | Events Coordinator | Facilities | 17/337 | 413-755-4656 | jtreynolds@022aode.com |
Nan Rice | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | nrice@022aode.com | ||
Rebecca Rice | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | 13/224 | 413-755-4243 | rrice@022aode.com |
Edward Richards | Adjunct Faculty | Fire Science Technology | 17/511 | 413-755-4512 | erichards@022aode.com |
Jeffrey Richardson | Adjunct Faculty | Computer Systems Engineering Technology | 17/308 | 413-755-5620 | jprichardson@022aode.com |
Stacey Richters | Instructor | Workforce Development | 17/527 | slrichters@022aode.com | |
Breana Ricketts | Adjunct Faculty | English | bkricketts2501@022aode.com | ||
Francie Riddle | Professor/Fine Arts Coordinator | Humanities | 28/101 | 413-755-5288 | fmriddle@022aode.com |
James Riddle | Associate Professor | English | 13/247 | 413-755-4691 | jwriddle@022aode.com |
Kelly-Ann Riddle | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | kpriddle@022aode.com | ||
Anne Rios | Executive Assistant to VP/CIO | Information Technology | 16/341 |
Luz Rios-Garcia | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Medical Assisting | 20/302P | 413-755-4951 | |
Vicky Rios | Staff Assistant, Part-time | Center for Access Services | 7/204 | 413-755-5764 | vlrios0001@022aode.com |
Crystal Rivera | Campus Police Officer I | Campus Police | 09/100 | 413-755-4220 | crivera@022aode.com |
Jessica Rivera | Administrative Assistant II | Admissions | 19/168 | 413-755-4853 | jmrivera@022aode.com |
Jose Rivera | Chief of Police/Senior Director of Public Safety | Campus Police | 09/204 | 413-755-4260 | jarivera0002@022aode.com |
Luis Rivera | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-744-4700 | lorivera@022aode.com |
Nicole Rivilis | Adjunct Faculty | Digital Media Production | nrivilis2101@022aode.com | ||
Yaritza Robar | Authorized Testing Center Supervisor | Workforce Development | 19/238 | 413-755-4506 | ylrobar@022aode.com |
Steven Roberts | Campus Police Officer I | Campus Police | 09/107 | 413-755-5479 | sroberts@022aode.com |
Katara Robinson | Director of Gateway to College | Gateway to College | 08/206 | 413-755-4480 | knrobinson@022aode.com |
Daniel Rodriguez | Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | dgrodriguez2401@022aode.com | ||
Jonathan Rodriguez | System Administrator/Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 16/351 | ||
Miguel Rodriguez | Medical Director of Respiratory Care/Adjunct | SHPS/Respiratory Care | marodriguez@022aode.com | ||
Sheyda Rodriguez | Clerk IV | Registrar's Office | 19/169 | 413-755-4351 | slrodriguez@022aode.com |
Yaritza Rodriguez | Medical Assistant 4 | SHPS | 19/177 | 413-755-4230 | ymrodriguez2401@022aode.com |
William Rodriguez | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | wjrodriguez@022aode.com |
Melissa Rojas | Associate Registrar | Registrar's Office | 19/169B | 413-755-4528 | mrojas@022aode.com |
Sherry Rollins | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | srrollins@022aode.com |
Anthony Rondinelli | Professor | Business Administration | 13/340 | 413-755-4316 | arondinelli@022aode.com |
Christopher Rooney | HiSet Instructor | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/260 | csrooney2101@022aode.com | |
Kenneth Rosa | Adjunct Faculty | Criminal Justice | kerosa2401@022aode.com | ||
Veronica Rosa-Diaz | Clerical Support Staff, Part-time | Academic Advising and Transfer Center | 19/232 | vmrosa-diaz0001@022aode.com | |
Charlie Rosario | Senior Financial Aid Counselor | Student Financial Services | 19/288 | 413-755-5405 | carosario5663@022aode.com |
Dustin Rose | HiSet Instructor | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/260 T5 | 413-755-5785 | drrose2201@022aode.com |
Carissa Rosenblum | Education and Career Advisor | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/260 | crosenblum2201@022aode.com | |
Sherri Rosser | Data and Enterprise Application Administrator | Information Technology | 16/359 | ||
Anthony Rossi | Adjunct Faculty | Architecture and Building Technology | 17/304 | alrossi2401@022aode.com | |
Michael Rossi | Admissions Coordinator | Admissions | 19/168C | 413-755-4412 | mrossi@022aode.com |
Kristin Rotas | Facilitator | Gateway to College | 08/100 | 413-214-5133 | kdrotas@022aode.com |
Holly Rowe | CNA Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 20/318 | hrowe@022aode.com | |
Kaelan Royall | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | karoyall@022aode.com | ||
Sarah Royston | Instructor | SHPS/Surgical Technology | 20/340 | saroyston0001@022aode.com | |
Laurie Rozell | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/256 | lrozell2101@022aode.com | |
Philip Ruderman | Professor | Technical Arts and Design | 14/210 | 413-755-4324 | ruderman@022aode.com |
Roberto Ruiz | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | rruiz@022aode.com |
Charles Ruotolo | Assistant Professor | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 17/633 | 413-755-4898 | ceruotolo@022aode.com |
William Russell | Assistant Soccer Coach | Athletics | 413-755-4061 | wmrussell2401@022aode.com | |
James Ryan | ABE Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/129 | jjryan2201@022aode.com | |
Lori Rys Moore | Administrative Assistant | SHPS | 20/320E | 413-755-4509 | rys@022aode.com |
Ashley Rzeszutek | Clinical Instructor, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | anrzeszutek2301@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Diane Sabato | Professor | Business Administration | 13/347 | 413-755-4836 | dsabato@022aode.com |
Leonardo Samalot | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | lsamalot@022aode.com | ||
Joshua Sanofsky | Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 27/143 | ||
Daniel Santana Ortiz | Maintainer I | Facilities |
16/121 |
413-755-4700 | desantanaortiz2401@022aode.com |
Denise Santiago | Clerk IV | Registrar's Office |
19/169 |
413-755-4358 | dmsantiago0001@022aode.com |
Melishia Santiago | Assistant Dean of STEM | School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | 17/308 | 413-755-4561 | misantiago@022aode.com |
Amanda Santinello | CNA Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 27/125 | asantinello2301@022aode.com | |
Luz Santos | Staff Assistant | Administrative Services | 16/203 | 413-755-4451 | lsantos@022aode.com |
Michael Sarage | Gate Attendant, Part-time | Parking | 19/269 | 413-755-4238 | mjsarage@022aode.com |
Shannon Sarkisian | Transition to College Academic Counselor | Workforce Development | 27/216 | 413-755-4675 | sgsarkisian2301@022aode.com |
Renee Sarnelli | Clinical Instructor, Part-time | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | rjsarnelli@022aode.com | ||
Tara Sasser | Accommodation Specialist | Disability Services | 19/141D | 413-755-4883 | tsasser@022aode.com |
Sherry Sausville | Professor | Humanities | 13/212 | 413-755-4265 | sausville@022aode.com |
Anthony (Tony) Sbalbi | Registrar | Registrar's Office | 19/169C | 413-755-4336 | atsbalbi@022aode.com |
Christina Scharbaai | Adjunct Faculty | Liberal Arts and Professional Studies | cscharbaai@022aode.com | ||
Laura Schlegel | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | lschlegel@022aode.com | ||
Ingo Schranz | Associate Professor | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/209 | 413-755-4596 | ischranz2201@022aode.com |
Steven Scibelli | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 17/217 | 413-755-4366 | sjscibelli@022aode.com |
Brenda Scott | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | bjscott@022aode.com | ||
Christopher Scott | Dean of the School of Health and Patient Simulation/Executive Director of the SIMS Medical Center | SHPS/SIMS Medical Center | 20/320C | 413-755-4961 | cdscott@022aode.com |
Haley Scott | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 13/330 | 413-755-4229 | hmscott2201@022aode.com |
Kyle Sebring | HiSet Instructor | Workforce Development/SALC | 27/260 | 413-755-4300 | ksebring2201@022aode.com |
Mary Ann Sedran | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | 17/412 | 413-755-5339 | mmsedran@022aode.com |
Kathryn C. Senie | Director of Compliance, Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator and ADA Coordinator | Human Resources | 19/153 | 413-755-5642 | |
Lara Sharp | Dean of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics |
School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics |
17/313 | 413-755-4576 | llsharp@022aode.com |
Kevin Sharpe | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | 28/208 | 413-755-4224 | ksharpe@022aode.com |
Theresa Shea | Associate Professor | Humanities | 13/242 | 413-755-4254 | tvshea@022aode.com |
Sharon Sheng | Professor | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/327 | 413-755-4697 | ssheng@022aode.com |
Emily Sheridan | Clinical Lab Instructor, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | 20/304 | eksheridan2001@022aode.com | |
Joshua Shumskiy | Head Tutor | Student Success Center | 19/220 | 413-755-4537 | jsshumskiy2201@022aode.com |
Marcia Sias | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | msias@022aode.com | ||
Antonio Silvestri | Professor | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/333 | 413-755-4621 | silvestri@022aode.com |
Kristin Simonds | Literary Specialist | Workforce Development/ESOL | 27/260 | 413-755-3765 | kfsimonds@022aode.com |
Kylie Siniscalchi | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4935 | kmsiniscalchi@022aode.com |
Steven Sinkwich | Assistant Professor | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | 111/116A | 413-755-4714 | sjsinkwich@022aode.com |
Stacy Sirkissoon | Program Specialist, Part-time | Workforce Development | ssirkissoon2401@022aode.com | ||
John Sirois | Adjunct Faculty | Chemistry | 17/302 | jsirois2501@022aode.com | |
Christopher Skala | Campus Police Officer I | Campus Police | 09/104 | 413-755-4220 | crskala0001@022aode.com |
Peter Smith | Project Manager | Facilities | 16/115 | 413-755-4688 | pmsmith2301@022aode.com |
Thomas Smith | Professor | Technical Arts and Design | 17/335 | 413-755-4642 | tsmith@022aode.com |
Lindsey Snow | Department Chair/Assistant Professor | SHPS/Medical Lab Technician/CLS | 20/302Q | 413-755-4846 | lmsnow@022aode.com |
Carol Snyder | Administrative Assistant, Part time | Parking | 19/2639 | clsnyder2301@022aode.com | |
Diane Snyder | Professor | Mathematics | 17/341 | 413-755-4945 | dsnyder@022aode.com |
Katherine Sobieraj | Payroll Coordinator | Administrative Services | 16/203 | 413-755-5406 | kbsobieraj@022aode.com |
Carmelo Solivan | Academic and Transfer Counselor | Male Initiative for Leadership Education (MILE) | 19/370 | 413-755-4486 | csolivan2201@022aode.com |
Jacqueline Soucia | Clinical Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | jjsoucia0001@022aode.com | |
Wally Soufane | Coordinator | ELMS College | 13/314 | 413-755-5417 | soufanew@elms.edu |
Edson Souza | CNC Instructor | Workforce Development | 27/260 | egsouza2501@022aode.com | |
Christopher Sparke | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 02/526 | 860-384-3159 | casparke@022aode.com |
Tara Spence | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | 17/302 | tspence2401@022aode.com | |
Joyce Spencer | Gate Attendant, Part-time | Parking | 19/269 | 413-755-4238 | jespencer@stcc.ed |
Yasotha Sriharan | Professor | Humanities | 13/241 | 413-755-4263 | ysriharan@022aode.com |
Derek St. Marie | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | dtstmarie2101@022aode.com |
John St Marie | Institutional Maintenance Foreman | Facilities | 27/B21 | 413-755-4751 | jhstmarie@022aode.com |
Patricia Stacey | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | 13/224 | 413-755-4243 | pastacey@022aode.com |
Suzanne Starling | Clinical Lab Instructor | SHPS/Nursing | sstarling2101@022aode.com | ||
Jennifer Stefaniak | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | jjstefaniak@022aode.com | ||
Amy Stephenson | Professor | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 17/243 | 413-755-4693 | ajstephenson@022aode.com |
Urszula Stetson | Clinical | SHPS/Nursing | ustetson@022aode.com | ||
Slavatore Stewart | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS | 20/112A | 413-755-7467 | svstewart2001@022aode.com |
Tanisha Stewart | Adjunct Faculty | Liberal Arts and Professional Studies | tnstewart@022aode.com | ||
Claretta Stokes | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | ctstokes2401@022aode.com | ||
Monica Strzempko | Professor | Biological Sciences | 02/530 | 413-755-5605 | mstrzempko@022aode.com |
Kevin Sullivan | Tradesman | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | |
Mary Kate Sullivan | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Nursing | |||
Maryanne Sullivan | Library Clerk, Part-time | Library | 19/121 | mfsullivan@022aode.com | |
Shawna Sullivan | Adjunct Faculty | SHPS/Health Sciences | 20/302 | srsullivan2401@022aode.com | |
Jennifer Superba | Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 16/359 | ||
Dan Surdyka | Webmaster | Information Technology | 16/365 | ||
Elizabeth Swain | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | easwain@022aode.com | ||
William Sweidel | Head Men's Soccer Coach | Athletics | 02/G | wlsweidel@022aode.com | |
Beth Szemela | Senior Enrollment Counselor | Admissions | 19/168B | bmszemela2401@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Daniel Taibbi | Simulation Coordinator | SHPS/SIMS Medical Center | 20/248 | 413-755-4570 | dptaibbi@022aode.com |
Chelsey Tallaritia | Clinical Faculty | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112 | 413-755-4935 | ctallarita@022aode.com |
Kendall Tardy | Campus Police Officer I | Campus Police | 09./104 | 413-755-4220 | ketardy0001@022aode.com |
Andrea Tarpey | Coordinator of Student Activities | Student Activities and Development Center | 19/127 | 413-755-4847 | tarpey@022aode.com |
Mario Taylor | Senior Technical Specialist II | SHPS | 20/315 | 413-755-4958 | mbtaylor@022aode.com |
Melvin Tejada | Academic and Transfer Counselor and Adjunct | Male Initiative for Leadership Education (MILE) and Social Science | 19/366 | 413-755-4432 | mtejada0001@022aode.com |
Julian "Skip" Tenczar | Fire Science Coordinator | SHPS | 17/511 | 413-755-4512 | tenczar@022aode.com |
Renee' Tetrault | Professor | Business Administration | 13/343 | 413-755-4099 | rgtetrault@022aode.com |
Sulakshana Thanvanthri | Adjunct Faculty | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/304 | 413-755-5557 | snthanvanthri@022aode.com |
Thomas Therrien | Adjunct Faculty | School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | |||
Lisa Thompson | Buyer IV | Facilities | 16/117 | 413-755-4794 | |
Christopher Thuot | Vice President of Academic Affairs | Academic Affairs | 16/223 | 413-755-4440 | cethuot@022aode.com |
David Tilley | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | 17/410 | 413-755-5259 | dtilley@022aode.com |
Vicki-Lynn Toro | Adjunct Faculty | School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | vtoro2301@022aode.com | ||
Alissa Torres Santiago | STEM Coach | STEM Center | 17/419 | 413-755-5647 | amtorres0003@022aode.com |
Kiana Torres | Admin Assistant I | LEAD | 19/268 | 413-755-4760 | kytorres0001@022aode.com |
Madeline Torres | Staff Assistant | Human Resources | 16/249 | 413-755-4458 | mtorres2002@022aode.com |
Zosimo Torres | HVAC Tech I | Facilities | 17/104 | 413-755-4684 | zrtorres@022aode.com |
Tracey Trottier | Senior Director of Assessment | Academic Affairs | 16/328 | 413-755-4057 | tatrottier@022aode.com |
Shanon Trueman | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 02/615 | sltrueman@022aode.com | |
Sarah Tsitso | Adjunct Faculty | Humanities | 13/224 | stsitso2101@022aode.com | |
Jonathan Tudryn | Assistant Vice President of Administration/Controller | Business Office | 16/201 | 413-755-4420 | jtudryn@022aode.com |
Debra Tynes | Academic Counselor | Academic Advising and Transfer Center | 19/239 | 413-755-5639 | dktynes@022aode.com |
Wilma Tynes | Assistant Dean of Student Support | TRIO Student Support Services | 19/266B | 413-755-5172 | wetynes@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Dominick Uguccioni | Executive Assistant to the VP of Administration/CFO | Business Office | 16/203 | 413-755-4447 | dluguccioni@022aode.com |
Dorothy Ungerer | Senior Director of Accounting | Administrative Services | 16/203 | 413-755-4438 | daungerer@022aode.com |
Fides Ushe | Adjunct Faculty | Mathematics | 17/410 | 413-755-5259 | fpushe@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Matthew Valentine | Adjunct Faculty | Computer Systems Technology | 17/304 | msvalentine@022aode.com | |
Lynn Valeri | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112G | 413-755-4921 | |
Amanda Varteresian-Krahala | High School Equivalency Instructor, Part-time | Workforce Development | 27/260 | ||
Jessica Vazquez | Clerk III | Admissions | 19/168 | 413-755-4373 | jyvazquez@022aode.com |
Julio Vazquez | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | javazquez2201@022aode.com |
Angel Velazquez | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | avelazquez0003@022aode.com |
Codie Venancio | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | cvenancio2401@022aode.com |
Jorge Vicenty | Peer Advisor, Part-time | TRIO Student Support Services | 19/256 | 413-755-4546 | jrvicenty2101@022aode.com |
Richard Viruet | Assistant Wrestling Coach, Part-time | Athletics | 2/Gym | 413-755-4061 | raviruet2401@022aode.com |
Steve Vossen | Adjunct Faculty | Social and Behavioral Sciences | sdvossen@022aode.com | ||
Carissa Vuong | HSI and Title V STEM Grant Data Analyst | Academic Affairs | 16/323 | 413-755-4417 | cvuong0001@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
John Wakelin | Professor | Technical Arts and Design | 17/305 | 413-755-4194 | jwakelin@022aode.com |
Jennifer Wallace-Johnson | Associate Professor | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 17/231 | 413-755-4832 | jwjohnson@022aode.com |
Anne Walton | Adjunct Faculty | Biological Sciences | 02/615 | 413-755-4605 | ahwalton@022aode.com |
Robert Walz | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | rewalz@022aode.com | ||
Nancy Ward | Early Childhood Education Grants Coordinator | Social and Behavioral Sciences | 13/312 | 413-755-4120 | njward@022aode.com |
Dwight Ware | Maintainer I | Facilities | 16/121 | 413-755-4700 | dtware2201@022aode.com |
Barbara Washburn | Professor | Engineering and Physical Science | 17/311 | 413-755-4587 | washburn@022aode.com |
Cristy Wassung | Department Chair/Professor | SHPS/Occupational Therapy | 20/302H | 413-755-4891 | clwassung@022aode.com |
Madeline Webber | Authorized Testing Center Staff | Workforce Development | 02/304 | 413-755-4507 | mwebber0001@022aode.com |
Laura Wells | Clinical Lab Assistant | SHPS | 20/337 | 413-755-4510 | lwells0001@022aode.com |
Andrew Wentworth | Adjunct Faculty | Electronics, Energy, Optics and Mechanical Technologies | awentworth2201@022aode.com | ||
Pamela Westmoreland | Perkins Coordinator/Linkages Specialist, Part-time | Early College Initiatives | pjwestmoreland@022aode.com | ||
Christopher Westcott | Instructional Coordinator | Workforce Development | 27/271 | cwestcott2401@022aode.com | |
Tiara White | Staff Assistant | Gateway to College | 08/100 | 413-755-4581 | trwhite@022aode.com |
Quantisha Wilbon | Communications Dispatcher II | Campus Police | 09/100 | 413-755-4220 | qswilbon@022aode.com |
Tasia Williams | Administrative Assistant | Male Initiative for Leadership Education (MILE) | 19/3rd Floor | 413-755-4736 | twwilliams@022aode.com |
Michael Willoughby | Campus Police Office I | Campus Police | 09/102 | 413-755-4220 | mmwilloughby2401@022aode.com |
Chelsea Wilson | Clinical Dentist | SHPS/Dental Hygiene | 20/236 | 413-755-4900 | cvwilson2101@022aode.com |
Colin Winslow | HSE Instructor | Workforce Development | cbwinslow2301@022aode.com | ||
Mary Wiseman | Director of Instructional Innovation and Faculty Investment | Academic Affairs | 17/217 | 413-755-5325 | mwiseman@022aode.com |
Kimberley Wolcott | Staff and Grant Accountant | Business Office | 16/203 | 413-755-5167 | kwolcott2101@022aode.com |
Cole Wood | Theater Production Manager | Theater | cwood2301@022aode.com | ||
Crystal Woodbury | Clerk IV | Registrar's Office | 19/169 | 413-755-4341 | crwoodbury@022aode.com |
Susan Woods | Academic and Transfer Counselor | STEM Center and Student Affairs | 17/425A | smwoods2401@022aode.com | |
Austin Worthington | Senior Network Technical Specialist | Information Technology | 16/351 | ||
Donna Woshinsky | Professor | SHPS/Nursing | 20/112-P | 413-755-4848 | dwoshinsky@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone |
Gabriel Yeager | Adjunct Faculty | Computer Technologies | 17/302 | ||
Nicole Young-Martin | Adjunct Faculty | English |
nmyoungmartin2401@022aode.com |
Name | Title | Dept | Office | Phone | |
Judith Zaiken | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | jzaiken@022aode.com | ||
Christopher Zarlengo | Adjunct Faculty | Technical Arts and Design | 14/204 | 413-755-4312 | cjzarlengo@022aode.com |
Sally Zarlengo | Clinical Instructor, Part-time | SHPS/Nursing | sazarlengo2001@022aode.com | ||
Maria Zayas-Bonilla | Academic Counselor | Academic Advising and Transfer Center | 19/226 | 413-755-4781 | mfzayas-bonilla@022aode.com |
Deb Zebrowski | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | zebrowski@022aode.com | ||
Peter Zierlein | Adjunct Faculty | Visual and Performing Arts | pozierlein2401@022aode.com | ||
Karl Zinnack | EMS Lab Instructor | Workforce Development/SHPS | 20/88 | 413-755-4510 | kfzinnack2301@022aode.com |
Carin Zinter | Adjunct Faculty | Business Administration | cdzinter@022aode.com | ||
Giuseppina (Josie) Znoj | Assistant Professor | SHPS/Respiratory Care | 20/302B | 413-755-5707 | gznoj2001@022aode.com |